
我们如何获得水: Infrastructure Serving Our Communities 

将水输送到南加州的家庭和企业,基础设施和实际用水一样重要. While Metropolitan is working hard to ensure the reliability of our 进口食水 and increasingly investing in 当地供应, that is just the beginning. Bringing drinking water to your faucet takes hundreds of miles of aqueduct, dozens of high-powered pumps, a vast storage system of 水库 and groundwater basins across the state, regional water treatment facilities, and an extensive distribution system of pipelines and service connections.

Bringing Water Across the State   

南加州大约25%的用水通常来自科罗拉多河. Another 30 percent originates in the Northern Sierra. 剩下的45%来自被认为是当地供应的混合, 其中包括洛杉矶市东部塞拉利昂的送货和回收, desalination and groundwater supplies. That means most of our water travels a great distance to get to our faucets.

Aerial view of the California River 渡槽 in the desert on a sunny day
Water treatment pools at a Metropolitan water treatment facility
Landscape photo of our 钻石谷湖 reservoir in Hemet

Storing for the Dry Years

California’s naturally variable weather, which is being exacerbated by climate change, 使储水成为大都会向该地区可靠供水能力的关键因素. 我们在有水的时候利用它,在没有水的时候储存它,这变得越来越重要. 这就是为什么大都会在过去的三十年里在存储方面投入了大量资金, increasing our storage capacity by 13 times. 其中一些储存在当地和整个州的地下水银行项目中, 一些在州水利工程沿线的州水库和科罗拉多河沿岸的联邦水库, and some is in Metropolitan’s own 水库.



而水通过大都会的大部分服务区域是由重力驱动的, 沿着科罗拉多河渡槽需要五个抽水工厂来确保它到达马修斯湖的最终目的地. 的se pumping plants combined lift CRA water supplies just over 1,600英尺, allowing it to flow by gravity west 穿越莫哈韦沙漠. All pumping plants have nine pumps, each with a nominal rated capacity of at least 225 cubic feet per second. Once it reaches the region, 科罗拉多河的水在重力作用下流经大都会的整个分配系统和处理厂, 正常运行下. 阅读更多.


W.P. Whitsett Intake Pumping Plant

取水厂是科罗拉多河输水管道的起点,从哈瓦苏湖取水291英尺, from an elevation of 450 feet above sea level to 741 feet. 

Aerial view of the Gene Pumping Plant Facilities


的 Gene plant is located two miles west of the Intake plant. 该设施将水从Gene Wash水库提升到303英尺的Copper Basin水库, 在海拔1处,037英尺. 

Aerial view of the Iron Mountain Pumping Plant Facilities

Iron Mountain Pumping Plant 


Aerial view of the Eagle Mountain Pumping Plant Facilities

Eagle Mountain Pumping Plant 


Looking up at the piping system at the Julian Hinds Pumping Plant

Julian Hinds Pumping Plant 

海因兹工厂位于鹰山以西16英里处,是所有工厂中海拔最高的, 441 feet to an elevation of 1,807英尺. 

Reducing Pumping Costs with Hydro & 太阳能发电 


It takes a lot of energy to pump water 1,600英尺 up a mountain. 沿着CRA抽水每年要消耗大约200万兆瓦时的能源. 其中大约一半是由大都会公司从胡佛和帕克水坝分配的电力来满足的. To offset the rest of our power costs, 大都会在我们的配电系统中建造了15座水力发电厂.  


大部分建于20世纪70年代末和80年代初,当时正值能源危机, the plants not only generate electricity, they also help control pressure within the distribution system. 的se 15 hydroelectric plants generate about 250,每年的发电量为10万兆瓦时,总发电量约为130兆瓦.  

Metropolitan has also developed 5 ½ megawatts of solar power at our facilities. 我们正在探索通过我们的能源可持续发展计划进一步减少碳排放和稳定能源成本的其他方法. That plan could include adding additional renewable energy to our portfolio, increasing our energy efficiency and storage, and load shifting to take advantage of solar power.


这是一个 快照 of Metropolitan’s delivery and treatment system.  

Solar Panels at a Metropolitan water facility