

职业生涯 途径:


大都会重视新鲜的声音和经验带来的不同视角. 我们追求最好的, those who bring unique and varied qualities to an organization whose employees reflect the diverse communities we serve across Southern California. And we want colleagues who embrace innovation, equity and a shared greater purpose to the region. 我们是一个公共机构,与我们一起188bet棋牌平台的人致力于公共服务.

我们生来就是为了持久和领导. 我们是一家历史悠久、经验丰富的机构. 我们是南加州的一部分, 由州议会于1928年成立,负责设计, 建造并运营科罗拉多河渡槽,为不断增长的人口供水. 今天,我们的作用比我们建立和维护的基础设施要大得多. We are here to ensure reliable and safe water supplies for 19 million people across six Southland counties, 以环保和经济的方式运作.

如果你已经在188bet棋牌平台把大都会作为188bet棋牌平台选择,从这里开始你的旅程,了解更多. 对于那些仍在上学或刚刚进入职场的人, scroll down to the section 为水务行业培养下一代工人 to learn about our internship and apprenticeship programs as well as other 教育 resources to help prepare you for a career in the water industry.

阅读我们的 大都会的职业生涯 简报.



A career with Metropolitan offers the chance to be part of an agency that is tied to the well-being of Southern California’s people, 商业与经济. 我们是业内公认的领导者. 我们做大,甚至关注最小的细节. 我们是规划者, 创新者和谈判者在远见卓识和区域合作的基础上继续努力. 一旦你进入我们的大门, 你是我们团队的一员, 同时也有机会发展自己的事业.



When you come to work at Metropolitan, you don’t come just for a job; you come for a career.  我们希望支持您的职业发展道路以及您的幸福.  要做到这一点,方法之一就是提供极具竞争力的薪水和优厚的福利. 我们还提供一流的健康和保险选择,以及退休福利.

我们的福利待遇高于行业标准. 大都会与加州公务员退休基金签订合同 加州公共雇员退休制度, to provide a wide choice of medical coverages to both active employees and qualified retirees. 

As a regular full-time; regular part-time union 代表员工 是否有资格享受优秀的福利.

Also available to Metropolitan employees through 加州公务员退休基金 are pension and survivor benefits as well as deferred compensation benefits that include our 401(k) and 457(b) savings plans. Metropolitan matches 401(k) contributions to increase the amount of your annual savings toward retirement.  

牙科保险, 通过达美牙科, is offered at no cost to regular full-time; regular part-time employees pay a pro-rated fee.  合格的家属可以加入牙科计划,不需要额外的费用.  大都会与视觉服务提供商签订合同, 或垂直地震剖面, 用于视力覆盖,并涵盖正式全职员工的费用.  固定的兼职雇员按比例支付费用. 合格的家属可以按月支付固定费用. 

我们有人身保险计划, 长期残疾、意外死亡和肢解. 还有一些自愿福利可供选择.  其中包括用于医疗和家属护理的灵活支出账户, 长期护理和癌症保险. You and your family members will also have access to our Employee Assistance Plan for confidential professional counseling and referral services at no cost.  A Wellness Program offers certain reimbursements to employees based on work location and bargaining unit.  



我们欣赏来自不同文化和188bet棋牌平台经验背景的员工. We value all 技能 – from the trades to 工程 to administrative organization and even the arts. We are a place for many talents and believe that a diverse workforce is key to our continued success. Different perspectives at the table allow us to produce more creative approaches and solutions. 我们在许多不同的地方188bet棋牌平台. 除了我们位于洛杉矶市中心的总部, 毗邻历史悠久的交通枢纽联合车站, 我们还经营着一个遍布南加州和沙漠的设施网络, 以及在萨克拉门托和华盛顿的办事处, DC. Metropolitan maintains a strong history of recruiting and employing military personnel into successful careers with us.


大都会是一个机会均等的雇主. 所有符合条件的申请人都将被考虑雇用,而不考虑种族, color, 宗教, 性别(包括性别认同/表达), 性取向, 和怀孕), 国家的起源, 祖先, 年龄(40岁及以上), 婚姻状况, 医疗状况遗传信息, 残疾, 资深/军事状态, 或任何其他受保护的特征.

Applicants and employees are protected under federal and state law from discrimination on the basis of protected characteristics. All qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to any protected characteristics.

Metropolitan provides reasonable accommodations for qualified individuals with dis能力 in the job application and selection process or to enable otherwise qualified individuals with dis能力 to perform the essential functions of a job. 如果您需要住宿参与申请或选择过程, 您可以拨打(213)217-7738或 电子邮件.

雇佣决定是基于一个人的知识, 技能, 能力, 188bet棋牌平台表现和任何其他被认为是合法和非歧视的参数.

一个由水制成的女人的插图,她代表水是生命之母.  这幅插图是一位当地学生用在我们的学生艺术日历上的.

“大都会是创新的潮流引领者, and we must grow this leadership to address and overcome the tremendous water challenges ahead. 我们是一体, and our collective success depends on building a workforce with diverse perspectives and experiences, 谁会致力于我们的使命,为南加州提供可靠的水.” 

大都会总经理Adel Hagekhalil

职业生涯 途径:


The water industry offers so many different career pathways — into the highly technical arena of 工程 to the very creative writers, 摄像师和平面设计师之间的几十个学科. 许多这样的机会并不为人所知. 所以城市, 与许多其他水合作, 教育, 业务, 贸易及社区机构, supports workforce development to prepare Southern California’s young people for career and college pathways into the water industry.

我们面临的挑战 & 响应

水务行业在为未来培养合格的劳动力方面面临着巨大的挑战. 我们的业务依赖于一系列的技能、188bet棋牌平台经验和背景. We need to know that there will be a new generation of employees in place who will be able to meet our critical needs, 最后, 意味着向南加州提供安全可靠的供水. 要做到这一点,我们必须自己采取行动.

我们有一个接班人计划. 规划是对不断变化的资源需求作出反应的一项持续的、动态的努力. 

Listed below are different Metropolitan programs that encourage interest in the water industry and support a career pipeline to water through education.


在我们的气候中,水太珍贵了,不能只用一次. That’s why Metropolitan is partnering with the Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts on 纯水南加州, a regional water recycling program that would purify and reuse cleaned wastewater that currently flows into the ocean. 全尺寸, 纯水南加州 would produce 150 million gallons of purified water each day.

通过提供一个新的, 适应气候变化的当地可用水供应, 纯水南加州 would benefit the 19 million people living within Metropolitan’s service area. 它也将成为世界上最大的水循环利用项目之一.


社区学院 & 有现有水项目的学校

Mt. 圣哈辛托学院-水技术
Cuyamaca学院-水 & 废水处理技术
L.A. 贸易技术-水系统技术
Mt. 圣安东尼奥-水技术
Rio Hondo -环境技术


谅解备忘录(1月11日. 2017年12月1日. 31, 2021)